Friday, September 24, 2010

Went out last night...

So I've been dating this new guy (Internet Guy, Dad says) and he's alright, I guess. Tall, not so dark, handsome. Who knew I liked redheads? Not me. Anyway... roomie and I are downtown and IG meets us out and somewhere down the line in the evening, he acquires some of those long flingy glow sticks you begged your parents for at the rodeo and they never said yes. So we're slinging them around and being children and eventually they end up around our heads; me rockin' the look pretty well, IG, about as rockin' as a neon glow stick can look on a redhead. Standing in the bar, having a grand old time, when these two chicks walk up to us. One: quiet and polite; the other: not so much, and resembling Medusa, but much more loud and obnoxious.

Angry Chick: WELL HELLO, INTERNET GUY! (I don't think I have to tell you that's not what she really called him. I like to keep names secret, duh).

IG: Hello, Jessica. (or whatever Angry Chick's name really is, I kind of blocked it out for lack of care.)

AC: Oh! I'm surprised you remember my name! You remember my friend Amy!?

IG: Hello, Amy. This is Brynnan. Brynnan, this is Jessica and this is Amy.

Brynnan: Hi, nice to meet y'all.

And I continue on with my life. Back turned to AC and Quiet Friend, drinking my beer, caring less about any of this. This seems to spur on Angry Chick.

AC: Hey, Brenda? Is that right? Bryan? Oh, hey, Brenna? I really like your headband. (As she fingers my neon glow stick). Yeah, it looks super cool. Really trendy.

People, I'm a freaking peach until you say some shit like this to me. Then the country girl in Brynnan rears her ugly head. I'm this close to hauling off and putting this tiny bitch in her place. What the hell have I done to this girl anyway besides hanging out with the tall redhead? Come to find out, she wasn't even the one who had any beef with the guy, it was Quiet Friend! Who remained, as she should have, quietly standing by saying not a whole lot, and more importantly, not pissing me off.

IG: Wow, that wasn't awkward at all.

Me: You want a shot?

Nothing sets me off more than a loud bitch.

*AP at Blues on the Green.
*Beautiful Lady in Meadow with a raging cool feather band.
*Reagan and Jason (sans headband), deep in conversation at The Mean Eyed Cat.

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