Thursday, October 7, 2010


So: Big sister is going to the Big D (and I don't mean Dallas) I have to give royalties to Mark Chesnutt here? Okay, well, he said it first.

Anyway... this has not been a fun time for her. Or any of us for that matter. I love my sisters more than anything in the world so when one of them is hurting, I am hurting. Seriously. My back was on the fritz for a week when Alyssa was first going through all this shit. Divorce is no fun. Which is yet another reason I have not tied the knot. Cause I'm smart, yo. That's not to say my married peers are not smart, but come on people, fifty percent chance the person I marry is going to leave me for some girl named Lorine? Not happening.

So, needless to say, Alyss is going through a hard time. And apparently her and the younger sister were discussing her issues yesterday. I'm out with my friends and get a text from the sisters: What is your biggest problem right now?

This can of worms.

At the moment, though, I could really think of nothing that was plaguing me. Beautiful day, on the porch of my favorite bar with some of my favorite people, sun is shining and birds are chirping. After a bit of reflection...

-Bills, bills, bills.
-My car is literally a hunk of shit.
-I have NO idea what I am doing with my life.

But instead of all that, I just sent them: Student loans. Career.

Then I hear that when Maura was asked what her biggest problems were (keep in mind, 18 year old sister living in Hometown, TX, whose main concern is who's going to pay for gas on Saturday night) she responds: Um, I burnt my tongue on those pizza rolls you made me last night.

Classic. Classic Clyde.*

Meanwhile, our mother dear has pneumonia. So what with the divorce, illness, and cheese tongue, the family is in tumult.

And deer season is upon us so I have to call my dad every week or so to ask how his blood pressure is.* During deer season, us sisters are not allowed to cause any kind of trouble which would require our father's attention. Maura broke the electric can opener at Dad's house one year and we starred at one another in disbelief and fear and she said: We'll tell him after deer season.

One of my first deer: Fred. He's pretty gnarly.

IT'S BOW SEASON! While I don't bow hunt, I can't wait until rifle season starts. Here is one of my dad's pals who lives and breaths hunting. How did this blog go from Alyssa's divorce to Karl Barker? Anyway, it's one of those creepy hunting videos where he whispers into the camera and says strange things because he's by himself. Kyle is hilarious, though. 2:22 (if you don't watch the whole thing. And nothing dies, so no one report me.)

Third Hunt of Archery Season/Longbow Cam Test from Kyle Baker on Vimeo.

I'll stop now. This has gone nowhere fast.

*Maura has several nicknames, the most frequent of which is Clyde/Clydesdale.
*Dad owns a deer processing plant which requires his presence 100+ hours a week.

1 comment:

  1. I'm gettin' an itchy trigger finger...

    I don't like how unstable the camera shot is when he "fires" his bow...

    and I'm sorry about the big D... I hear it sucks!
