Monday, November 14, 2011

It's Free.

If you've never checked out the "free" listings on Craigslist, I highly suggest it. Not only might you happen into something you need/want, you also happen into the most ridiculous postings on the planet. Sure, it's free crap, but the best part is that people take pictures of their free crap and put it on the internet for you to look at and mock.

Now, I was once getting rid of an obese tube-like television which shut off at the most inopportune times (say, when I was trying to, I don't know, watch something) and I needed to get shed of it. But no person in their right mind would pay ten dollars for it, much less come over and pick it up, which was a two man job, so I posted it under the free section on Craigslist and added a couple of pictures, you know, for allure, and then set it out on the porch with a giant sign that said "TAKE ME" on it. It was gone within fifteen minutes.

Then there's this:

Oh good. This looks like the frame department at Goodwill.

Another time, I was moving and realized I had so much shit that I didn't know how I'd been living with all this shit until I changed houses and realized I couldn't possibly have so much shit that I didn't need and couldn't sell so I set out a huge box of the useless shit and put an ad on Craigslist, sans photo of useless looking shit, but described in the ad fairly accurately all the piss-poor stuff I had shoved into this box: a picture of a cat without a frame, one cream colored heel with no match, a spool of black satin ribbon, several homemade decorative, art-ish looking pictures, a piece of pepperoni (partially nibbled), one antique greenish mirror with two shelves to match (one broken, piece in box), and two quite useful pieces which probably deserved a Craigslist photo: an hp printer (broken, but probably fixable) and a decent but cumbersome rolling desk with a glass top.

I posted the "Box of Crap" ad on Craigslist, left the box, printer and desk by the curb with notes on them "TAKE ME," and went about my life.

2:00 AM, after work, I come home, excited to see what has been taken. Surely the best items have been taken, that desk probably didn't last long. I bet the printer is long gone, too. But lo, I come upon the scene to find every single piece of useless crap rooted through and taken out of the box, including the single shoe with no mate, and the hp printer is the only thing that remains by the curb.


The point is, Craigslist hounds LOVE CRAP. These people sit at home all day, looking at the "free" section, driving to other people's houses, picking through their worthless crap, loving life, and then go home and re-post it, taking pictures of it in huge, indecipherable piles.


Free... It's free. Come and get it.

Need some free food? It's on there.

Still seaaaaled...

No? No? Comonnnnn!

Oh! And all those loose DVD's you've been trying desperately to organize but have no means to?

Finally a solution.

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