Monday, July 30, 2012


One time, I went to college. It was an extended visit. As in, I went to school for maybe two solid years and Forrest Gumped my way through the other four...

A lot of lolly-gagging...

A class here and there...

but mostly just this.

You remember: Presidents and Assholes. Fuck the Dealer. Kings Cup. Beer Pong. Flip Cup. Passed out.

Pulled my head out of my ass one day and graduated from The University of Texas.

For real.

I had a really rad party that night...

My mum gave me a computer to pursue my writing.

I was afraid to touch it and confused by it.

I am confused a lot.

I have a college degree.
I'm like, smart and stuff.

Kaley and Kelsi have behind-my-back decided it's time for me to make something happen and stop bartending. I might be on board.

1 comment:

  1. how did i just see this post??? i love it! brilliant :)
