Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Living Single... Remember that show?

While I am good at being a pretty badass girlfriend, I also enjoy the crap out of being single. Most times, I get all bent out of shape when people come up in my space and wreak havoc on my house; i.e.: Hurricane Kerley. The Kerley's come in for a day or two and what happens in the next twenty-four or so hours can only be described as complete chaos. Bella destroying everything in her path, with little disregard of early edition books, Kerley posted up on the couch, drinking all the beer in my fridge (and not recycling), and Alyssa rearranging the furniture in my room to accommodate her preening. And me, beside myself with anal retentive disorder. Alyssa often times has to remind me that this is life and I need to calm my ass down. So it goes. *

And when I start dating someone new, its hard for me to remember that I am not the only person on this planet and that its okay if he leaves his glass on my coffee table and leaves without putting it away, or if he leaves a jacket behind one day. These things are commonplace and this is real life.

But I would rather no one be in my space, wrecking things and not cleaning them up. I would rather be by myself, dancing around the house in my wife beater and unders to "Dirty Diana," and I would rather never have to go to the store in order to provide sustenance for my guests. As we speak, the only things in the fridge that belong to me are a tub of butter, ketchup, two Miller Lites and four leftover chicken McNuggets.

* I love when the Kerley's come to visit me.


  1. pretty sure we are twins, separated at birth. this describes me to a "t" when i have guests over. i often think i am the only person in the world who HAS to have everything in it's palce before i can go to bed at night.

    and dirty diana... classic. it's #12 on the greatest hits album. right after "man in the miror" :)

  2. HAHAHA! I'm the same way... but we differ in the fact that i LOVE having a person of the opposite sex in my space! :)
