Thursday, November 11, 2010

Def Leppard Car Cleaning

Original Sister and I grew up rocking out to Phil Collins and Def Leppard with Mom and Lisa and my two oldest and dearest friends, Jessi and Taylor. (Years later, I would be dancing to "Pour Some Sugar on Me" every night at the bar I worked at... thanks Mom.) I bought a Def Leppard CD today and rocked out to it while cleaning my car (yes, I still buy CD's).

I think this post will be a lot cooler if you listen to "Animal" while you read. 1987: Post arm amputation.

I'm not normally a messy person... lately I haven't really been in keeping with the whole "cleanliness" thing. Maybe I have too much going on... not sure what my excuse is. Anyway, the old 'stang is a wreck. Only one person can travel with me at a time due to the excess of trash in the backseat. Roomie and I went to get kolaches this morning and after getting out of my car, she had a Twix wrapper stuck to her shoe. Time to clean up, I reckon.

While it's fun treasure hunting, it's also disheartening finding things you wish you would have known were there but didn't because they were under McDonald's wrappers and Wells Fargo receipts.

Regretful findings:

-Mikey's parking pass I thought I had lost and gave him $50 because I felt bad. That's a pair of boots I'll never get to buy.

-Keys to an apartment I lived in about three years ago and owe several hundred dollars. (Probably due to the keys I never turned in... found 'em!)

-Bo's USB port he's been nagging me about. Why I have this in my car, I know not.

And on the upside:

-approximately $37.25 in change. That partially makes up for the parking pass fiasco.

-several billion bobbi pins.

-four lighters (I don't smoke.)

-one cigarette signed by Cory Morrow (back when I did smoke).

-one full bottle of Dawn dishwashing liquid.

I'm not gonna lie, I had hoped to find a cell phone or two, namely a red flip phone, but it didn't pan out.

Step two: buy a new car.

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