Monday, November 22, 2010

Semi Drunken Blog

I like the idea of posting a song coinciding my blog post... that way you give people the option of listening to your maybe-terrible music whilst reading. Unlike some, who just incorporate the music right into their blog for your "listening pleasure." No thanks, Alyss (my big sister @ if you're not following her blog, she's a riot...) I don't want to hear John Denver and/or Chicago. ("That John Denver is full of shit.") Anyway, I was listening to Elvin Bishop on the drive home, one of my all time favorites. Don't read too much into this, people. This is a classic.

While this blog is already headed in no real direction, I would like to say that I am working my ass off at two jobs. Plus the people at my new job don't seem too keen on me, so that's always fun. I can hear them now:

"The new girl is so pretty."

"The new girl is going to take our job."

"I hear the new girl worships the devil."

And what-have-you.

(I'm trying to keep the typos down to a minimum.)

Isn't Elvin Bishop the best? My roommate went home to Michigan today for fam-time. Poor girl. Packing her bag was like deciding her last meal. It was like a hundred degrees here today and she was going straight into nineteen degree weather. Me, while checking out the ten day forecast for Ann Arbor: "Woah, the high is twenty-two on Wednesday. Good luck!" And THAT'S why I live in Texas.

I abhor cold weather. The only upside to cold weather is deer season and hot toddies. Which both, if you really don't care to regard social acceptability, are okay at any time of the year.

What else happened today that I can gab about? Keep in mind when I am writing half this shit, I'm not thinking of anyone else actually reading it. Like I think it's being kept solely between blogspot and me. It's our little secret. Then later, when bar regulars come up to me and they're all, "Yeah, I really enjoyed your last blog," I'm like, "What the hell? You read my blog?"

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