Monday, April 12, 2010

adventures in drinking

hungover has taken on a whole new meaning. i didn't know it was physically possible to feel this bad about oneself. physically and mentally. on days like this, its imperative to ask oneself: oh my goodness, what did i do last night? why do i feel this way? and who do i need to call and apologize to? it doesn't help the recollecting when you reach in your purse and find a giant stack of black bev naps and a small bottle of what looks like bok choy sauce. so i guess last night i thought it would be hilarious to steal some condiments and dinnerware? how thoughtless of me.

it is nice to know, however, that when you are in this condition, that there is someone out there who cares. cares enough to text the bartenders to take my car keys away from me until he can get off work to get me. what a guy. and how did he know the goings on at the mean-eyed cat bar? no one knows. no one, but that what-a-guy.

so thanks, guy.

i'd also like to thank the many bartenders yesterday who contributed to my being over-served. thanks, tandi, for the coke back with that jammy shot. and to clinton, for that extra splash of lemon in my firefly. and of course, mikey and brooke... who knew so much sake could cost so little? and drinking at the bar solo gets lonely, so thanks to the many friends who unexpectedly popped in to see me.

now, even though its 7:27 in the pm, i am off to continue to nurse my horrific hangover.

thanks to this blogger, or lover of all asian sauces, you can see here my mystery morning sauce. fourth from the left.