Thursday, April 29, 2010

the house is snoring really loudly

i live in a beautiful home with hard wood floors, a big back yard, faux fire place, (?) and two wonderful women. i have had a lot of roommates in my time (shout out to sayda beth and ashley) and i have to say that this combination of females is by far the best. while there are things that annoy the CRAP out of me about my roomies, (sophia runs from one place to the other and shruti sighs really loudly from the comfort of her room?) there are times when i feel i don't know what any of us would do without the other.

sophia. i have known sophia for going on three summers now. we know each other pretty well and i think she gets me. she knows how i love a tidy space and she never leaves her shit out. she is a woman of so many angles. an artist (to say the least- most of the decor in our home is painted by her) a photographer with an eye for all things beautiful, a singer with a voice that fills our house, and an actress, which comes in handy on nights out when its imperative to stage a scene worthy of an oscar. while i don't understand her all the time (capricorn, she's weird, but has incredible insight) i know that she cares for me and loves me just the way i am! and has supported me through terrible boyfriends, jobs, and my decisions through and after college. she is truly a wonderful friend and roommate.

shruti just moved in with us this past august and while she is younger than sophia and me, she fits in perfectly with us. while sophia and i are probably reading hemmingway or oates, shruti is most definitely reading a comparison of the uses of macs and pcs and how that equates to cultures within our society today. what? she might be the smartest person i have ever hung out with. but don't think she walks around citing einstein or anything, this girl knows how to have a good time. she just moved from michigan to texas (climate upgrade) and is all on her own and doing a fabulous job of it. not only is she a genius, she is the sexiest woman alive. no kidding. hands down, best catch. but she's taken. by the sexiest man alive. no kidding.

so, needless to say, life and times at the house are fun filled for sure. i have taken the role of man of the house, killing roaches and spiders and pulling the hair out of the drain when needed. and its great when something big happens because everyone reacts differently. just the other day, i heard a commotion in the hallway. sophia yelling at shruti, asking her if she was in her shower. after shruti's response, no, she is in fact not using sophia's shower, all three of us are confused: who the hell is in the shower? we investigate. only to find water spewing from somewhere within sophia's bathroom and out into the hallway. hot water. coming out at a rapid rate. steam and water everywhere. sophia, shrieking loudly and shrilling, what's going on?! me: sophia, call dan NOW. and i leave to find the main valve to turn off the water. shruti, quietly taking everything in, hones in on the actual leak and before i could even begin to shut down the water to the house, shruti turns off the water behind the sink, (where the actual problem was) all the while sophia dancing around, trying to put on pants because the landlord might be coming over. when i return, i find both laughing and putting down towels, shruti clad in golashes and sophia, still pantless.

i came home the other night, two am, dog tired and ready to pass out, when i heard a loud snoring noise outside my window. in our neighborhood, the houses are packed in pretty tight so when someone walks through his backyard, it literally sounds like he is in my house. so, i disregard the noise as a neighbor with his windows open. but the snoring noise is awfully close so i have to check it out, or else its going to bug me all night. then i hear sophia rustling in her room and i know then that she must be up too, scared to death of whatever the hell that noise is. i knock at her door to find her terrified: brynnan, i think there is a drunk homeless man passed out oh my back porch.

good lord, i hadn't thought of that. this is austin. crazy shit is happening here all the time. but not in our pleasant little 'hood! i tell her don't be so paranoid, but let's find out. we turn out all the lights and because i can't find my flashlight, i get out my cellphone and tear open her back door. if it is a homeless joe, i want to scare the crap out of him. no sleeping beauty on the porch, but the snoring pursues. i walk into the back yard, the noise getting louder all the time. i look up in the trees to see the tiniest outline of an owl, snoring his ass off. there is a lot of stuff i have never seen, but this is one of the best. a snoring owl. a loud snoring owl.

sophia: i thought owls were nocturnal.

yes, yes. i do believe they are. when i woke up the next morning, he was still hard at it.

so, while we are all very different, we seem to mesh pretty well. i'm not so much with the advice but i'll listen to them when they have a bad week, and they have their own ways of cheering me up, too.

sophia, in complete and utter dismay over men: i just don't get them. why would someone behave that way?

shruti: it sounds like his serotonin and dopamine levels are down. that happens to men sometimes, soph.

me: sounds to me like he's an asshole.



  2. hahaha, this post made me laugh over and over.

    the sink explosion in sophia's bathroom was so exactly as you described. you: problem solving calmly. me: trying to be proactive amidst the steaming hot water in my hunter wellingtons, and expecting that roach in sophia's bathroom to come to floating along in the deluge at me any second. and, sophia: a cute, pantless deer in headlights.

    i love you all.
