Sunday, April 25, 2010

trials and tribulations of tending bar

bartending has become one of my favorite things to do. i wouldn't even mind doing it for fun. but it is my job and it does pay the bills. there are days when its the most fun being behind the bar: your friends and regulars come in, everyone tips really well, and you might even get a second to sit down and do a few crosswords with a new customer you have taken a liking to.

but then there are days that are not so great. days when you come in to find a packed bar and everyone needing something (including water), or a bar full of men who are oogling you and you literally have no place to hide, and you just plain ole are not in the mood to make friends with anyone.

and then there's days like today. eeyore's birthday. eeyore's (in case you forgot, the depressed donkey from winnie the pooh) festival is created in honor of the animal and is actually a pretty cool ordeal, lots of non profit hooplah and beer and food and music and stuff. also a lot of naked people and a whole lot of drugs. this little ditty takes place about one block from my bar. and the mass exodus of drunken and high-out-of-their-minds hippies, of course, make their way into my humble place of work. utter chaos ensues. not only was i keeping the bar, but i was waiting tables too for this glorious occasion. everyone (and their dogs) wants water, and people are literally passing out at my tables. i had to lightly nudge a man to wake him up to pay his tab.

me: um, sir? (nudging) i'm going to drop off the bill now... um, did you need anything else?

someone else tipped my fellow server in marijuana.

guy who gave autumn pot: yeah, so, we're kind of low on cash, but we left you something else that we think is way better, and if you don't want it, well, then, i guess you could sell it.

and of course, the eeyore experience would not be complete unless someone shat himself. (the gas station cashier across the street informed me that last year, his car was shit on.)

what is wrong with these people!? at least when i get intoxicated, i have the foresight to stop while i'm ahead. and not shit myself. go home and lie down! take a time out. geez.

i hope that everyone had a good time at the park, i would have loved to have gone and seen all the costumes and freaky stuff that went on. maybe next year...

because there wasn't a picture of eeyore crapping himself on google images...


  1. Hey! It's not a fun night unless someone shat themself! :)

  2. i hope that your buddy appreciated the hell out of her tip.

  3. I love that you were able to document with words this day in the life of Austin and The Tavern. What I am depressed to find out is that on that very day that everyone was defecating the bar it was Shakespeare's birthday. Do people only care about sad, fictional animals these days?
