Thursday, April 15, 2010

misplaced north austin girl

at a coffee shop on the south side of austin, feeling awkward and uncomfortable. if you know much of anything on austin, its pretty trendy down here. hipsters, scenesters...people a lot cooler, or at least think they're a lot cooler, than me. i'm drinking a black coffee while they're drinking chai and bubble tea. the music is so loud in here that i cannot even form sentences within my own head. and not even good loud-as-hell-music. some guy whining about driving all day.

the reason i am here is because my brakes starting grinding yesterday (gasp, horror, general appall). i am not very good at taking care of my car. she is old and crappy, held together merely with bird shit and duct tape. its hard for me to put money toward her when i know that at almost any moment, the floorboard is going to give out and i'm going to be fred flinstoning my way home.

so hold your lecture, its being taken care of. i have a good friend at the bar who is taking care of it for me! cheap parts on his "knows everyone in the city" discount and labor for a bar tab. he only goes by "texas tim" and has lived for, by my calculations, about 600 years. he has literally done everything there is to do in the world, including lived in the most beautiful cities, dated and shacked up with the most beautiful women in the world, and is a ninja. is all this for real? there is really no way of knowing. i believe about what half he says; he is a handsome looking older man so he could snag a chick or two, and he can do the crossword quicker than i can get 15 across. but did he really kill half of the mexican mafia in santa fe? who knows, folks. anything is possible. he makes the dos equis guy look like a pimple faced middle schooler.

so while ole texas tim is working on the old stang, i'm posted up at his local coffee shop doing a little writing and a little feeling out of place. and listening to the same ten songs over and over on my itunes. oh great, during a song break, just caught an ear full of a nearby conversation on richard nixon. this can't go anywhere good.

freaking austin. i love it.

here are just a few of tim's fine-doings for santa fe. or not.


  1. favorite part... "fred flinstoning my way home". love it. and i love you.

  2. I think this might be the most entertaining, best worded, most professional blog I have ever read! :)

  3. wow, thank you richard. thats nice.
