Friday, April 2, 2010

friday night blues

home alone on a friday night. yes, i have friends, but they do things i hate, like go downtown. so that's out. and i don't really have the blues, i just wanted to work in john conally somehow. so that worked out.

so, i have a macbook air. i'm still not sure why. but it was a graduation gift from my mother dear and while i am terribly appreciative, i have issues with such a lowly person as myself using such an expensive and beautiful piece of equipment. i also have an adorable burnt orange ipod nano that i got for christmas from maude, too. it was still in its neat little package up until tonight. what am i going to do with an ipod? i ask myself. listen to it? i guess.

now on my macbook, i have this neat little button down here with a music note on it. that, my friends, is itunes. yeah, i've got it. and just what to do with it i did not know until reagan kind of walked me through it. for about a year i've had this computer and this neat little program and up until tonight i had about three songs on my playlist. what? you wonder. well...

claire de lune - claude debussey. alyssa has it on vinyl. a beautiful classic.
let it loose - the rolling stones. duh.
ce jeu (the twelves remix) - yelle. this song was on the alamo drafthouse montage for the month of december and i searched high and low for the name of it. what a great stinking song. i'll post it so take off some clothes and dance around the house. because that's what i do.

anyway, tonight, me being bored as shit and all, decide to purchase a few more songs for my itunes library and, oh geez, i don't know, maybe put them on my ipod? seems like the right thing to do.

during the industrial revolution in england, workers who didn't want to lose their much needed jobs in factories would secretly destroy machines at night or during raids. these badasses became known as luddites. now, the term is used rather loosely to refer to someone who despises or rejects technology. i, since learning this term in an english literature class, consider myself somewhat of a luddite. iphones scare the crap out of me, and frankly, i don't want to be like everyone else; constantly fingering a telephone or with it stuck to the side of my head. i think phones in public are rude and unnecessary. even for navigational purposes. sure, its handy, but if my dad didn't need one growing up, why should i? can't i stop and ask for directions? and since i probably won't, either i'll figure it out or just not show up to the place. sorry, didn't have my iphone.

back to the merging of all my unnecessary technologies... it was grand. the ipod actually synced up to my mac and charged itself (wow) and uploaded all my songs! but not before i got to name her! (loretta, as in "get back, loretta!"). when i texted alyss to ask her for some suggestions, she said "how about downfall." she knows me so well. and in the midst of all this up/downloading, charging, and blogging, i seemed to have overloaded my poor, tiny computer and safari shut down, right in the middle of everything. i panic. and search my brain for the words that have disappeared into internet-land; but hark! my blog saved it all automatically. yowza, folks. maybe i'm coming around.

stupid luddites.

dance your pants off.


  1. Ah, get back loretta, is my favorite line from that song!

  2. i see your point... but dang, iPhones are addicting!
